Werner Küspert


today’s jazz for the films of yesteryear


Musik von heute für Filme von vorgestern

Kleines Kammer-Ensemble neben großer Leinwand: „Küspert & Kollegen“ greifen die Atmosphäre des klassischen Horror- Stummfilms ebenso auf wie von Slapstick und Melodram. Und richten sich an ein Publikum von heute: „Unsere Musik klingt nicht wie traditionelle Stummfilm-Musik, sondern zeitgenössisch und unvorhersehbar“, sagt der Gitarrist und Komponist Werner Küspert. „Küspert & Kollegen“ haben sich bereits durch die ganze Frühgeschichte der Kinokunst gearbeitet. Werner Küspert schreibt für sein Ensemble zeitgemäße Musik - teilweise auf punktgenauen Einsatz komponiert, während andere Passagen viel Raum für Improvisation und Interaktion lassen. In den letzten Jahren waren "Küspert & Kollegen" in aller Welt als Botschafter der deutschen Kultur unterwegs (u.a. im Auftrag des Goethe-Instituts, des Auswärtigen Amtes und der EU).
A small chamber ensemble next to the big screen: "Küspert & Kollegen" take up the atmosphere of classic horror silent films as well as slapstick and melodrama. And are aimed at an audience of today: "Our music doesn't sound like traditional silent film music, but contemporary and unpredictable," says guitarist and composer Werner Küspert. "Küspert & Kollegen" have already worked their way through the entire early history of cinematic art. Werner Küspert writes contemporary music for his ensemble - partly composed for pinpoint accuracy, while other passages leave plenty of room for improvisation and interaction. In recent years, "Küspert & Kollegen" have toured the world as ambassadors of German culture (on behalf of the Goethe Institute, the German Foreign Office and the EU, among others).
Werner Küspert
A small chamber ensemble next to the big screen: "Küspert & Kollegen" take up the atmosphere of classic horror silent films as well as slapstick and melodrama. And are aimed at an audience of today: "Our music doesn't sound like traditional silent film music, but contemporary and unpredictable," says guitarist and composer Werner Küspert. "Küspert & Kollegen" have already worked their way through the entire early history of cinematic art. Werner Küspert writes contemporary music for his ensemble - partly composed for pinpoint accuracy, while other passages leave plenty of room for improvisation and interaction. In recent years, "Küspert & Kollegen" have toured the world as ambassadors of German culture (on behalf of the Goethe Institute, the German Foreign Office and the EU, among others).


today’s jazz for the films of yesteryear